I want to be a Demolition Driver.
Ok well not necessarily be a demolition driver, but I do want to drive a demolition car. Everyday I drive at least 48 round trip to and from work. Some of it is freeway and some of it is streets. Everyday I find the need to dodge cars, slam on my breaks, and make sure I have enough room between me and any car in front of me incase I am rear ended. Everyday it gets progressively worse. Today I swear you not, I should have been hit 5 times. It is just unreal.
Now I work extremely hard not become one of the many doing road rage, but at times I can really understand and relate with them. I would love nothing more than to be able to run , those who cut me off, drift into my lane, creep up on my rear, and just are generally (for lack of a better word) dicks, off the road into ditches, wall and pretty much anywhere out of my way and off the road.
Ok there are some of you who say, maybe you should wish to be a cop and pull them over. And while that would be nice at times, these people do this are really don’t care about obeying the law and would speed off anyways, so where would I be there. I will tell you worrying about the possible law suits if I happened to hit someone else. Who wants that? I can promise that will be a blog for another day.
Ok so, back to the point driving a demolition car and able to use it for that purpose would be awesome. I would not only be able to give a little civil justice, I would be able to feel better about driving to and from work. I would be able to give the jerks a taste of their own medicine, and love every minute of it.
Now for the reality, chances are I will probably never be able to do this. I would however love to have a complaint site, number or anything to report these drivers. Driving is a privilege and should be treated as such. Privileges can be and more often that naught revoked. Ok I will admit I am not the world’s best driver, nor will I ever claim to be, but I know these people I dodge, slam my brakes for and give buffers for, are a “H” “E” double toothpick worse than me. They don’t need to be on the road, as they pose not just a threat to me but everyone else out there. If it meant I would have to give my driver’s license up, in order to get one of these yahoo’s off the road then so be it, consider my driver’s license turned in.
This is Sunny Treasure for a better drive home.
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