Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Facing the Music- Or Not!
(American Idol Wannabes)

I am firm believer that Reality TV has gone over board and convinced that people will do just about anything for money or to get on TV. I do however acknowledge that I am a fan of American Idol. While the majority of the people who come on this show have no singing ability, there are those few who absolutely wonderful and refreshing to hear; The rest are well- Jokes! There are no other words for this. I am also amazed that by Season 6 people have not gotten through their heads that if the judges (Simon, Paula, & Randy) say that "That was awful" "Not for me" "DAWG, That's no good"- IT'S NO GOOD! YOU CAN'T SING! GET OFF THE STAGE!

I am also amazed at the lack of tact and just over all rudeness. These people can't be serious. I mean come on, contestant 29531 was just blown away they didn't like him. He couldn't have been serious. HE HAD HIS CELL PHONE EAR BUD STILL IN HIS EAR! I could have just screamed.

I admit it, I like to see the people who sucked, who are crazy, who just make you laugh, but by Season 6 seeing these people get mad is well just sad. I have to believe that someone out there had to be honest with these people at least once in their life, and prior to these judges. I laughed and cried when I saw William Hung. He is such a beautiful person, and can laugh at us on his way to the bank for us laughing at him, but who could have lied to him that much! Or the rest of these people who pin their hopes that Idol is going to save their life from what it is. It's just sad now and starting to get old. Especially the closes ups of these peoples lives being shatter by something that they should have never really attempted.

I am not all bad- I do believe people should go for their dreams, but I also believe in self realization. If more people are asking you to be quiet than sing it for all to hear, you may want to record yourself and do a reality check. May I suggestion not doing this on T.V. It may save some embarrassment, and hurtful feeling that as so evident most of society are not prepared to face.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What Gives!!!

Ever feel like your friends are dumping you? Ok so I am not talking about the my everyday friends, but recently I have been in touch with some old H.S. friends. I have drop lettter/ emails off to them hoping for a reply. I can see they have been online but alas no reply. Not even a "Hi- Got your message". I probably wouldn't worry if it was one or two people, but it is a lot of people I use to hand out with in H.S. Was I someone that annoyed everyone? Was I someone that people would rather not catch up too? If so how sad and what liars!!!!! I have 4 year books of phone numbers that say "K.I.T" "Call me" "555-1233". There is even numbers from people I don't even know but they signed my book and asked me to call.

So now I am here 8 years later trying to finally catch up with these people and they are totally stiffing me. What Give?

I know I am an adult now and I really shouldn't care about these things, but let's be honest. I do. I want to know if there was something I did that was awful because maybe it didn't change. Maybe I can apologize for it. I thought I was a good person but maybe it was overlooked.

Oh well best not the stress over it, but still- What Gives?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Funny Thing Life,

Ok so in it's usual fashion, my life is crazy right now. My sister didn't try to kill herself but instead in a moment of rage, tried to give her hopefully one day X the biggest F.U she could. Now that this drama is over and my sister is getting the help she needs, I am yet again faced with death. My Great Grandmother passed away this past Saturday. While it is sad, my Grandma was 90 so it was not entirely unexpected. She lived a full life and one I hope that was filled with joy and happiness.

I have gotten a lot of flack from my family. You see my Great Grandma had a pace maker put in earlier this year because her heart was naturally slowing down. It made me mad. I felt that at 90 yrs old, it is natural for the body to slow down and eventually let our souls cross over. Now I am not heartless and I am in totally belief that my Grandma did not want to die. I would just hope that when it comes to my time to make that choice, I am strong enough to say goodbye to my family.

You see my Grandma was never the same after the surgery. Though it was not confirmed I feel that she may have had a stroke on the table for when she awoke she had a hard time recongizing people. Demensia set it and she spent her last few months in a nursing home. She didn't like it there and was always quotes saying "They are coming to take me home. I am not staying."

I feel for her now, and I felt for her then. Perhaps we only prolong her life, but when will life be long enough.

***So this was a ramble and just some thoughts, sorry I couldn't right more.***

Sunday, September 03, 2006

It was just us three.

I am the oldest grand child of 5, not counting great grand children. And while there are 5 of us the first 3 of us were the closest. It was me, my sister and then my cousin. We were only separated by 3 years total. We grew up more like brother and sisters rather than cousin, when we were younger. Like all things life happened and we went out own ways during high school even though we went to the same school. My cousins parents split and since young men usually want to be with their fathers, my cousin lived with his dad. That didn't however break the bond we had formed as children. It was even stronger for my sister and him.

Come September 21, my cousin will have been dead for 3 years. It is amazing how fast the time has passed but how fresh the pain still feels. There are certain events were this is more true and none more like the event today. My sister purposefully ran her car into a telephone pole.

She survived and suffered only minor injuries. Here emotional state is something to be questioned. Her life, like all of our lives is far from perfect. But is a short moment she was able to forget about all and attempted to take her own life.

My husband, a police officer, states that it was not a true attempt as true attempts are often successful, but it should not go on seen. Whether or not it was a true 100% felt attempt, the point is she made the attempt. Sure is was a cry for help, something should could not vocally do. Maybe it was because of training, maybe it was because of the act but her attempt to take her life shook our family and devastated me.

My sister and me were all that was left of the 3 (My cousin, my sister and me). It was just my sister and me after my cousin died. Our relationship (like all relationships) evolved. It was not the best and had it's troubles but I still felt we were close. We still had that bond from childhood. I knew my sister was having troubles. I knew that their was pain. I though I offered on many occasions to assist, there was never a reply.

While I should and do think about my sister today, I can't help but feel hurt at her attempt. She is my only sibling, and the only other person who understands the relationship lost between our cousin and us. I am mad at her. When I went to see her in the hospital today I wanted nothing more than to bring in pictures of her children, of our friends, of our family. She was being so selfish! Sure life is hard and some more than most, but that is no reason to give up. She forgot about everything that should be important! Love.

I am so mad at her! A few years before our cousin was killed, we had a friend commit suicide. My sister was so mad at this friend. She didn't understand how she could be so selfish. We both had a hard time people who played around with the idea of committing suicide. So now that she made her own attempt to take her life I am MAD at her.

I know that this time is definitely not about me. It is about my sister and her demons. I am there for her and will continue to be there for her, but in these moments that I sit alone I am mad at her.

It was the three of us and one is already gone. I don't know what to say if it ends up being just one. :(

**My sister is medically ok and we are seeking help for her. If you need considering, thinking or planning suicide please get help and remember there is someone out there who cares. Link to help lines> http://www.befrienders.org/helplines/helplines.asp?c2=USA If you do not feel comfortable to to talking to them please feel free to contact me. sunnytreasures@yahoo.com. ***

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sex God/ Sex Goddess- I THINK NOT!!!!

Ok so I finally got a My Space account. I am searching around looking for what I can find, and OMG! Everyone is a Sex God or Sex Goddess. More like wannabee's if you ask me. No at first I was looking for my H.S. buddies and through my classmates, but wow, the teens are doing it too. Of course this is after I put my profile up, and since I am not one for lying, because I love my life, I tell the truth. Man I look like the "Good Witch of the North"- prior to Witches- Lil. The only proof that I even have sex is the fact I state I have a child. So I continue to read over everyone's profile. Come across some X-BF's (hehe) and friends. Most are funny, most should not claim to be a Sex anything, and some should stay away from camera's or at least invest in decent pictures. I know that the only pictures of me are professional ones that were taken the last time we took family pictures. I also didn't put my picture on my front page. If people wanted to see what I looked like they needed to view my profile and show some interest. Not that I am tracking. So back to the point-everyone is a sex god or goddess. Ha! I think not. It was really just kind of gross. Not in the fact that it was all about sex, but that we had nothing else better to write about ourselves. Sure we all want to sound interesting and I worked on mine so I didn't sound exactly like they thought I would turn out. In fact I thought that I would have let people down because I did less than what they thought I did, but I still didn't advertise that I was a sex fiend. Ahh- ok sex sells, I get it, but man it that all life is. No wonder My Space gets a bad wrap- they don't have to sell sex because everyone is free to talk about it. My poor daughter- she will be the most deprived kid on the planet. Sure she will know about sex but she certainly won't be able to advertise it online. : ) Oh well.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Work is like High School but with a Paycheck!!!

Have you ever compared your job to High School. There are your geeks, who are usually in programming. Then their are your some what cool jocks, who have made it in to IT. It's not always for the brains people, it for the fact they can move computers and equipments (at least in my work). <>
Despite how we may try we still separate ourselves in to groups like high school. And just like h.s. there is not such thing as a secret. Don't expect that there will be. If you have something to tell, but don't want anyone else to find out, DON'T TELL ANYONE AT WORK, because before you know the whole office will know and you haven't even finished telling the story yet. I know, because well I am a "Whatever" and my group make it our business to know. Now some would call us gossips, and we probably are in part, but more importantly, we share information. From this we make strategic moves within the business. We don't black mail you with information, but we do size you up. Also we like to know what is being said. It's gossip, it why we like to know what the stars are up to, why rag mags sell. It's interesting and not about us.
Well anyways if you haven't got the point already, H.S. is no different from work except rather than getting grades, you get paid. You still talk and make friends. If you are single you are still looking or a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you still want to know what is going on in your campus.
So why fight the system. Come back to high school and go to work.

Yeah- ok so that didn't make too much sense but oh well.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Speak to me!!! Give me that line!!!

As I sit here on the couch (yeah I know coach potato, give me a break I was just dancing a moment ago). I turn on the TV to one of my favorite movie scenes. Ok before you all bust out laughing, this movie is by far not a great; however it has an awesome line. Chasing Liberty (CL) just makes me all mushy inside. I love falling in love and watching movies where people fall in love just reminds me of how much I am in love with my husband. I also however love these movies for a reason. I love the lines. In CL- one of the main characters Ben Calder (the sexy secret service agent) confesses his love to Anna Foster (the president’s daughter) by saying “Ok, alright! Because I'm jealous as hell. Because I'd hate to see you with Gus because I'd hate to see you with any other man. Because not only did I adore kissing you in Venice, but also because I'm so un-bloody-hinged just being near you.”
Now I am married, and very happily married at that, but I remember being single and I would have loved to someone tell me I make them “un-bloody-hinged”. Now don’t get me wrong if you have seen Chasing Liberty, Matthew Goode (the actor for Ben Calder) is British, and can I just say totally hot; Accent and all.
But not all lines need to be delivered by a man with an accent or for that matter be in a romantic movie. Take Borne Identity and the line by Jason Borne (Matt Damon (Guess I got a thing for Matt’s )) to Marie “How could I forget you, you are the only person I know.” The look from M.Damon is just too honest. I love it.
Now before anyone goes off on a handle, I love my husband very much. I would never dream of leaving him. But Wow, I would love to be lined. Shoot! Tell my husband to line me. But not the corny cheesy lines that usually come out. I am talking about a full fledge, line like they have in the movies. I admit it I am a sucker for romance. I love to be wined and dined. I love to be pampered, and I love to have sweet nothings whispered into my ear.
Listen up men!!! Those sweet nothings, are a whole lot of somethings. Don’t be cheesy either; Use that creativity we all know you have. Remember what parents have told you-“Think before you speak.” You will find that there is a good line in there somewhere. Here is the other thing guys, don’t use it to pick us up. Use it to keeps us there. Sweep us off your feet with words. (Really please someone tell my husband this. ***giggle****)
Many of my favorite life moments are romantic moments. I love the lines. I love the thoughts, and man to they rock when they are meant with love. And guys if you feel too silly to say them, write them down. My husband once gave me a Valentine’s Day card that said “My life, My love, My Soul (but in French). It totally brought tears to my eyes, and showed me just how much he loved me.
So as I am looking over this piece of writing and attempting to bring this to a close I have to say- I love good lines. So men, especially my husband, Speak to me!!! Give me that line!!! Tell me that you mean it!!!! (At least it works for this gal).