Sunday, June 11, 2006

Speak to me!!! Give me that line!!!

As I sit here on the couch (yeah I know coach potato, give me a break I was just dancing a moment ago). I turn on the TV to one of my favorite movie scenes. Ok before you all bust out laughing, this movie is by far not a great; however it has an awesome line. Chasing Liberty (CL) just makes me all mushy inside. I love falling in love and watching movies where people fall in love just reminds me of how much I am in love with my husband. I also however love these movies for a reason. I love the lines. In CL- one of the main characters Ben Calder (the sexy secret service agent) confesses his love to Anna Foster (the president’s daughter) by saying “Ok, alright! Because I'm jealous as hell. Because I'd hate to see you with Gus because I'd hate to see you with any other man. Because not only did I adore kissing you in Venice, but also because I'm so un-bloody-hinged just being near you.”
Now I am married, and very happily married at that, but I remember being single and I would have loved to someone tell me I make them “un-bloody-hinged”. Now don’t get me wrong if you have seen Chasing Liberty, Matthew Goode (the actor for Ben Calder) is British, and can I just say totally hot; Accent and all.
But not all lines need to be delivered by a man with an accent or for that matter be in a romantic movie. Take Borne Identity and the line by Jason Borne (Matt Damon (Guess I got a thing for Matt’s )) to Marie “How could I forget you, you are the only person I know.” The look from M.Damon is just too honest. I love it.
Now before anyone goes off on a handle, I love my husband very much. I would never dream of leaving him. But Wow, I would love to be lined. Shoot! Tell my husband to line me. But not the corny cheesy lines that usually come out. I am talking about a full fledge, line like they have in the movies. I admit it I am a sucker for romance. I love to be wined and dined. I love to be pampered, and I love to have sweet nothings whispered into my ear.
Listen up men!!! Those sweet nothings, are a whole lot of somethings. Don’t be cheesy either; Use that creativity we all know you have. Remember what parents have told you-“Think before you speak.” You will find that there is a good line in there somewhere. Here is the other thing guys, don’t use it to pick us up. Use it to keeps us there. Sweep us off your feet with words. (Really please someone tell my husband this. ***giggle****)
Many of my favorite life moments are romantic moments. I love the lines. I love the thoughts, and man to they rock when they are meant with love. And guys if you feel too silly to say them, write them down. My husband once gave me a Valentine’s Day card that said “My life, My love, My Soul (but in French). It totally brought tears to my eyes, and showed me just how much he loved me.
So as I am looking over this piece of writing and attempting to bring this to a close I have to say- I love good lines. So men, especially my husband, Speak to me!!! Give me that line!!! Tell me that you mean it!!!! (At least it works for this gal).


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