Fear Is NOT an Option.
Now that I am able to look back, childhood was easy. Of course, it sure didnÂt seem like it then. But thinking back on it, life was simple. What ever anything was you just faced it. It is not until you are an adult that you begin to have emotions like fear. Children are blessed with being fearless. They don't care that anyone makes fun of them until they get older. They say what they want, ask what they need, and live how they chose. Of course there is always parental intervention and as a child you can't help that. But how would you live if you could do it like a child. I am not talking about playing Barbies, Cars, or color all day. I mean just think of all the things you could do if you had a child's aspect of fear. Would you go for that promotion? Would you try going for that singing/ acting career? Would you ask that person you are dying to be with out? What would you do?
I would probably sing out loud more, of course my co-worker probably say that isn't different. I would dress how I like. Probably the outrageousagous thing I would do is dye my hair blue. Of course my husband may have an issue with this. I try really hard not to let fear rule my life as it is. But there are times I feel it seep in, and I have to stop and remind myself. "Fear is not an option. It is an inhibitor from letting you live the life you want." It kind of gives my life that secret agent feeling when I say that. Fear is not an option. So with that in mind I try new foods, I venture into the world, I live life to the fullest. Ok so you are probably wondering what I have done.
Well probably not as exciting stuff as you would like to read but here is what I have done
1) I have fallen in love and continue to do so
2) I have drive over 90 miles an hour
3) I have flown across the country just to visit a friend
4) voluntarilyuntarly gone off of birth control- trust me this is much more
frightening then is sounds, very mental
5) I have had a child
6) I have and often do dare to be different
7) I have disagree with authority figures- especially my mother
8) I choose to sing out loud, by myself, in the shower, in the car and in front of
other people
9) I have decided it's ok if I am the only one laughing
10) I have and continue to make mistakes
11) Just keeping adding it
Ok so this list could go on forever. But man wouldn't be fun if I could do more.
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