Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Running Circles

This week I am swamp!! I seem to be running circles, and not just to amuse myself. Between work home,my homesales business, and my family, I only know circles. It's not bad, because this is the life I have chosen for myself. I love my life, but I have to be honest with myself, I long for a calmer part of life. I seem to dream of my weekends on Monday's now, and pray for a vacations yet to come. I find that I am not the only one who does this. It seems more and more people are like this too. What does this mean? Are we as a society getting to the point we are too busy to enjoy the week?
I can't know this for sure as everyone will have their own answer. I tend to think yes. I long for slower days, calmer moments, and just plain relaxation. I often find myself day dreaming about working to survive. You know you cleaned because you have to, but then you can rest when you are done. So sure it sounds like I want to be a stay at home mom, and I am sure that on some level I do. I know my daughter would love for me to. I am not sure, I could only stay home, but I would like the option.

Perhaps, just perhaps, if we do it quietly we can all stay home together and no body will know. :)

**ok I know this is weird, but I am writing just for the sake of writing***

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Real Mission behind Soap Box Here!!!

This is the real reason I created Soap Box Here. I need my place to vent. I need my own personal Soap Box to shout from. I need to be able to express my opinion, unedited (obvious by my numerous typing and spelling errors), uncensored, and uninterrupted.

I find that most days of my life, that I very rarely get an opinion out. I very rarely get to say what I truly want to say. Somehow in this life of mine, I have lost my vision, and sense of being. My opinion matters little to others and my feelings matter less.

There are moments and small spaces of time, that I do get to express my feelings, but again those moments are not uninterrupted and I can not express my opinion without being made to feel guilty about my feels, statements, opinions.

So as I stand on top of my virtual Soap Box, I shout as loud as I can "I HAVE AN OPINION. I AM A PERSON WHO THINKS FOR THEMSELVES. I CAN FEEL EVERYTHING LIFE HAS TO OFFER." And maybe in a quieter calmer voice, I smile and say, "I don't have to know everything, or even be right. As long as I think for myself, my opinion should count. My thoughts should matter, and it shouldn't hurt so to do so." So as I mentioned this virtual Soap Box is my venting spot. My place to express my opinions.

Thank you to all who those comment, it's nice to know I am not alone. Thank you to those who care to read. I know, because I am constantly reminded, that I am not alone and that I am someone who matters. You're feelings and opinions count to me, so if you have an issue and need a place to stand up and be counted, feel free to take a stand here. My Soap Box is Here, to remind the world, "We are not alone and I count too."

Sunny Treasures

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What is E85?
Hi everyone. It's been awhile. That happens when you have work, baby, husband, pets, baby, family, and well more baby. My daughter is now 9 months old. Crazy how time flies.

Today I was to rant and rave about E85.

I drive a least 20 to work one way. With the recent gas prices rocketing to unaffordable I started paying more attention to what I was paying for gas. Can I just tell you that anything over $2.00 is ridiculous, but now that is it over $3.00 I just want to cry. I don't even try to be totally cool, soccer mom SUV's. I drive a Saturn Ion III. It is very good on gas and I absolutely love it, but I just can't help but cringe when I have to fill up my car when it gets to half tank so I don't have to pay over $30.00. It is just madness.

Well lately I have seen a lot of commercials and press on E85. I decided to check it out. It turns out we have the technology to use less oil and more ethanol. More specifically 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. You know what the best part is, the by-product of this fuel is Carbon Dioxide; the stuff plants need to grow. Is that not crazy? We have the technology, which is getting better by the day, to 1) create our own fuel, 2) which produces the very by-product is the very thing that plants need to grown. More plants grow, be clean the air, we breathe better. Ahhh It just makse so much sense to go this route.

Granted like most things, the technology still needs work, but it is efficient enough for us to begin now. Where is the down side to this? So as I keep reading, I am just waiting for someone to tell me why, as American citizens, this is not in the news? What is wrong? I just don't see the down side. Sure I may have to get a new car, and while I can't afford it at present time, I would gladly find a way to make it happen. We are talking about keeping the availablity to drive, helping to clean our air, and make a fuel source for ourselves. As my husband so graciously put it, with this new fuel we could pretty much tell outside countries, Thank you but no thanks (my husband used a lot more colorful words), we're covered.

So if you find yourself interested in learning more, please see the links below. If you are like me, write to your congressman/woman let get the E85 wagon going. Let's be bold, daring and brave, and truly step in line to save the planet.