Work is like High School but with a Paycheck!!!
Have you ever compared your job to High School. There are your geeks, who are usually in programming. Then their are your some what cool jocks, who have made it in to IT. It's not always for the brains people, it for the fact they can move computers and equipments (at least in my work). <>
Despite how we may try we still separate ourselves in to groups like high school. And just like h.s. there is not such thing as a secret. Don't expect that there will be. If you have something to tell, but don't want anyone else to find out, DON'T TELL ANYONE AT WORK, because before you know the whole office will know and you haven't even finished telling the story yet. I know, because well I am a "Whatever" and my group make it our business to know. Now some would call us gossips, and we probably are in part, but more importantly, we share information. From this we make strategic moves within the business. We don't black mail you with information, but we do size you up. Also we like to know what is being said. It's gossip, it why we like to know what the stars are up to, why rag mags sell. It's interesting and not about us.
Well anyways if you haven't got the point already, H.S. is no different from work except rather than getting grades, you get paid. You still talk and make friends. If you are single you are still looking or a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you still want to know what is going on in your campus.
So why fight the system. Come back to high school and go to work.
Yeah- ok so that didn't make too much sense but oh well.