Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Facing the Music- Or Not!
(American Idol Wannabes)

I am firm believer that Reality TV has gone over board and convinced that people will do just about anything for money or to get on TV. I do however acknowledge that I am a fan of American Idol. While the majority of the people who come on this show have no singing ability, there are those few who absolutely wonderful and refreshing to hear; The rest are well- Jokes! There are no other words for this. I am also amazed that by Season 6 people have not gotten through their heads that if the judges (Simon, Paula, & Randy) say that "That was awful" "Not for me" "DAWG, That's no good"- IT'S NO GOOD! YOU CAN'T SING! GET OFF THE STAGE!

I am also amazed at the lack of tact and just over all rudeness. These people can't be serious. I mean come on, contestant 29531 was just blown away they didn't like him. He couldn't have been serious. HE HAD HIS CELL PHONE EAR BUD STILL IN HIS EAR! I could have just screamed.

I admit it, I like to see the people who sucked, who are crazy, who just make you laugh, but by Season 6 seeing these people get mad is well just sad. I have to believe that someone out there had to be honest with these people at least once in their life, and prior to these judges. I laughed and cried when I saw William Hung. He is such a beautiful person, and can laugh at us on his way to the bank for us laughing at him, but who could have lied to him that much! Or the rest of these people who pin their hopes that Idol is going to save their life from what it is. It's just sad now and starting to get old. Especially the closes ups of these peoples lives being shatter by something that they should have never really attempted.

I am not all bad- I do believe people should go for their dreams, but I also believe in self realization. If more people are asking you to be quiet than sing it for all to hear, you may want to record yourself and do a reality check. May I suggestion not doing this on T.V. It may save some embarrassment, and hurtful feeling that as so evident most of society are not prepared to face.